The Designer: Born in El Salvador, at age 14 Deysi Juarez migrated to the U.S. Being first in her family to learn English, and a high school graduate, in 2003, she attained her Bachelorette from Mount Saint Mary's University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences.
With high hopes and convinced that she was smart yet creative enough left to Colorado to get a Ph.D. in Science to discover the cure for Huntington's Chorea, a family disease
After 8 months, she didn't discover the cure for her family illness but realized she had taken the wrong detour which was not fulfilling as her talent and creativity were not challenged enough.
She then went through a soul-searching enigma and realized her childhood dream of designing clothes had been buried over the years. She left behind Colorado, a full stipend and a career in the world of science in search of her long life dream.
In Los Angeles, she attended FIDM and completed the advanced program in Fashion Design where she debuted her first collection at the FIDM Debut.
Her point of view is strictly guided by her faith and does not design anything that goes against true natural beauty and human dignity. Her strongest trait is her God-given ability to re-enforce the innate beauty of her clients with a modest yet refine freshness.
She then went through a soul-searching enigma and realized her childhood dream of designing clothes had been buried over the years. She left behind Colorado, a full stipend and a career in the world of science in search of her long life dream.
In Los Angeles, she attended FIDM and completed the advanced program in Fashion Design where she debuted her first collection at the FIDM Debut.
Her point of view is strictly guided by her faith and does not design anything that goes against true natural beauty and human dignity. Her strongest trait is her God-given ability to re-enforce the innate beauty of her clients with a modest yet refine freshness.